Thursday, 30 April 2015

Critical reflection

Half way though my Analysis and findings and I dont know about all of you but I am panacking and stressing and then when Im reading through the readers and mudule hand books the words just dont make sense to me! I found a helpful webiste with slide shows on critical  reflection writing. I found them really easy to follow. I dont think I would follow them step by step but it may give some helpful ideas how to start or finish!

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Artefact thinking & what I have learnt from my inquiry this far.

So I am currently in the stage of deciding upon my final idea as of what my Professional Artefact will be. A poster? A booklet, maybe even a video?

My natural instinct goes straight towards doing a video, as a performer we are all visual people. However, I could make a booklet visual by adding pictures and using an appealing layout. But as I don't have a computer or laptop to edit a video maybe a booklet/leaflet or poster would be the smartest idea.

I have already carried out my inquiry, which was interview based and then had a tutorial with Paula. I discovered that the interviews were a lot shorter than normal. I found it quite hard to catch people on their free time who want to talk about rejection, and those that did really only wanted to give short answers. It was almost as if talking about the rejection was as emotionally affecting as rejection itself.
 I then re-interviewed, with the same questions but this time I dug deeper, I peeled back the harsh external layers of the amour we as performers have to protect ourselves to really find out how people feel about rejection. This time my interviews last from twenty five minuets and anywhere up to forty. Once I got people talking and getting them to really think about why they behave this way, it almost became a venting session for some of my participants. All the emotions we go through at an audition even before the rejection, if there is, ranges from nervousness to jealousy. This really is an emotionally tough industry, not just a psychical one.
 I then start to find out from my inquiry that the way we process rejection mentally has and affect on us psychically. One of my sources could not handle the rejection, she felt that her physical form was the reason she did not receive one particular job. Later developing a slight anorexia disorder which lead to counselling.

It really is amazing how powerful emotions are, and how chemicals and neurons in the brain, that we don't even think about or see r feel can cause us to alter psychically not just mentally. 'Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good' Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle, 350 B.C.E