Monday, 30 December 2013

3A..Theories relating to networking

I use Facebook and twitter and a website called 'The Stage' to engage in professional work opportunities, I simply check on them each day to see if any new auditions or jobs are coming up. A choreographer that I know uses twitter and facebook to post everyday what time her classes are and if there are any special choreography requests for that class.   

Daily I use Instagram ,whatsapp and Facebook for general social networking, catching up with friends etc. I hopefully intend to send up a separate instagram just full of dance pictures to enhance my professional profile. I prefer to use  instagram to flickr just because I already have a vast network of people I know on there, therefor making it easier for people to see my work account. Using instagram , I will be able to upload pictures and video's of my work along with hashtags to be seen by a vast audience across the world and friends and colleges in my profession. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Task 2D...Inquiry

Reflection in my practice is used world wide , Dancers are constantly reflecting because they thrive to improve.They want to be better than the person standing next to them; to get the job. I always come out of an audition and straight away think "I should of done this". Now from this course I think more in the lines of "why didn't I do this" , "what were the circumstances of why I could achieve what I wanted".

Everybody has question's about life. Wether its on a surface level of work promotions and social events or deeper things such as contentess and happiness within ones self. I personally like the ways of Buddha for the questions which I ask myself. "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that will never leave". 
Professionally I question "Was this the right thing to do?", "Is this what I want from life?". Im always questioning my self, am I good enough? This probably comes from having trouble believing in myself. Am I skinny enough, am I not pretty enough? I think my profession does have an impact on the way we, especially females, view ourselves. Not getting a job simply because of hair colour or height. However, the panel never tell you why you didn't get that particular job so the mind starts to sway, was there more to it? 

However, I try to keep my thoughts and mind positive. I prefer to ask myself more pleasant questions. " I wonder when my next job will be?" , "I wonder if the choreography will be great in the next audition" etc.

I really admire Darcey Bussell,as she was told in earlier training that she would never be a ballerina..look at her now! She started training as a Ballerina at the Royal Ballet School at what is to be considered the late age of 13 and is still working now of shows such as 'Strictly Come Dancing". 
I had a Ballet teacher at Bodywork called Kasper Cornish who really inspired me. He was such a fun and bubbly spirit. He would come in to class after doing research in his own hours to show us videos of amazing dancers. We weren't just watching them for fun. We all know that every teacher has a different style. Most teachers say the you should releve onto a pirouette never rise. However, Kasper had come in to show us videos of people rising onto pirouettes and doing 30-40 of them. He inspired me to look at all these amazing artist's on YouTube and I learnt that there never really is a right or wrong way to do things , if the result is the same.

It frustrates me when people ask "Why haven't you got a dance job yet". People don't understand how hard this profession is. They do not understand how many people there are in the UK wanting to be professional dancers. I get angry when I am in an audition and there is no room what so ever and they expect you to still make an impression. The message board on also expresses some of these feelings when they go into a Zumba class for example.

I liked the question in the Handbook about physical contact with another professional the might seem inappropriate to somebody else, and why is that different? Because it is completely true that while your part of a company you have quick changes so theres bare skin every where, to cool down you just stand there in your underwear in the presence of men , of which I would never do in any other situation. Why? I think this is because when you are a dancer and dancing with somebody , you get to know them very well. They're misplaced hands and sweaty feet , there is no room for embarrassment or self consciousness if you are dancing with a partner. 
Yet with another non performing human being you never get that close that quickly so you have the rules and regulations that you have been set in , mostly from your parents growing up and the people around you. 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Task 2c. Reflective Theory

I as well as many others participating in this course are professionals in one art form or the next. Straight away Im sure most of us would assume that we are reflection-in-action people with no doubt in our mind. Coming from a dance background I have trained to change what I am doing ,if it is incorrect ,straight away. 
I remember being taught to get that perfect pirouette positioning; neck long, shoulders down, core in, hips under, knee out , no sickling etc. It was daunting and having to do all of that straight away whilst turning on the spot.  I found out I could not think of more then two of those things at once. In which case, I thought of one thing in particular to concentrate on each time. I practiced in the corner over and over again until  it became natural to do everything at once. A classic example of Reflection-in-Action.

Reflection-in-Action is the reflection of ones actions simultaneously. Reflection-on-Action is to reflect at a later time, when one is out of the situation.  Kottcamp conveys the previous as the harder of the two, with which I disagree. However, that may be because I am from the reflection-in-action mindset. I like the idea that I can make a correction or adapt straight away on a matter, that to me shows alertness and a type of intelligence that not many people could achieve. I might presume that I admire this way of thinking as it is a popular belief that dancers are less intellectual than others. Reflection-in-action, I feel proves them wrong. Reflection-on-action , gives you the time and full engagement that you might need to reflect on a matter. There is no dead line or immediate need for conclusion like on-line reflective practice.

Probably the most common tool to use for Personal Reflection is a diary and can be extremely beneficial to us as individuals. I myself struggled at first with my diary, wondering what to put and wether it was relevant or not. After reading Reader 2 and doing some more in depth research, I came across the idea of having a 'Reflective worksheet' to use as my diary entry.Example below.

Using Gibbs debriefing of Kolb's cycle for my inspiration.  The questions are already there waiting to be answered and I found it nice to have some structure. This is presumably come from my dance background of always having structure. 

Peer discussions can also be helpful for reflective practice. There is no doubt that quizzical discussions between peers opens the minds of every individual, while being able to share opinions and resources makes these group discussions invaluable. Being at a performing arts school we also had a lot of personal and one on one feedback. We were able to have 10-15 minutes of an individual teachers time , with which they presented us with a feedback sheet with good qualities and improvements that we could work on. Being able to inquire about personal issues to the sole teacher, I found to be very helpful as I was given feedback which was personal to me and I felt that I was getting the right attention that I needed in certain area's. 

'We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on the experience' (Dewey) . Taking in to consideration that reflective thought is supposed to be an active thought process, it should make it easier to use these thought patterns , being an active person. Looking at Kolb's learning cycle you can see how all of these aspects would come into play within my profession. For example, you may try to do a certain dance move. It doesn't quite work the way you want it to, so you watch the choreographer again. Taking in tiny gestures that they do ,there footwork etc. You wonder what is different from what you are doing to them. You then take into consideration what you have watched and thought about , to then try again - The Cycle

So I decided to use this diagram and use my own experience's. I used an audition I attended last.At which point, I found out that surprisingly I am more of a Theorist compared to an Activist ,which startled me. I came to this conclusion by realising that I had more to say about reviewing and concluding from my experience then the doing and the feeling. 

From the outcome of this ,I then decided to look into Gardner's view on having multiple intelligences;spacial, Logical-mathmatical, Interpersonal etc. I remember doing a questionnaire at school on this matter. So I went online and found a 'Multiple Intelligence Survey'. Unfortunately, it was for children but it had the affect I wanted . Out of this I came out as Bodily- Kinaesthetic . Gardner identified that there can be 'Multiple Lenses' through which we learn, enabling us to not be confined by one learning style. Me using both Kolb's and Gardners Ideas proved this theory.
I feel that I now have a good basis of different learning tools I can use to help my personal learning through out this course & career because of Gardner and Kolb.

Of course, there are oppositions to all these written down thesis's. Tufnell & Crickmay describe their views on reflection as a more spiritual discovery. "It is within our bodies, in our industrial and sensory responses, that we discover the changing field of what is happening to us"(2004).  Sometimes, words can not describe what our body is feeling or doing but there is importance that we try to convey them into words or other interpretations. Some people are Verbal- Linguistic or Logical- Mathematical's. They would find it hard to interpret a dance sequence by just watching you and your muscle-memory. This has been very interesting to me, as I am quite the non-verbal dancer and I now know the importance of being able to recall on idea's and put into perspective everybody's different learning requirements.

On researching Reflective Practice , I came across an Essay titled "Private Practice:Schön and the missing dimension" by Ben Kotzee, from the university of London.It is questioning wether Reflective Practise is needed or useful to the individual in any way.Reading through his interesting paper and why he feels that there is not much point in critical reflection I came across Ludwig Wittgenstein and his book "Philosophical Investigations".A section from Wittgenstein's book to make you think about language;

 "I send someone shopping. I give him a slip marked 'five red apples'. He takes the slip to the shopkeeper, who opens the drawer marked 'apples', then he looks up the word 'red' in a table and finds a colour sample opposite it; then he says the series of cardinal numbers—I assume that he knows them by heart—up to the word 'five' and for each number he takes an apple of the same colour as the sample out of the drawer.—It is in this and similar ways that one operates with words"

I feel this reverts back to Graham Mcfee's description of what is a bachelor. Correct we could not understand the concept of a Bachelor with out understanding what is marriage but  from this example from Wittgenstein's book, it shows evidence that by just watching and then interpreting this knowledge into our own minds that to a certain extent, we can make assumptions to the correct answers of what words are. Having this experience of seeing the word 'apple' on the slip of paper and then reflecting that there was a draw containing apples, labelled 'apples' we can then notice that we have indeed learnt something with out fully understanding it but from that experience have gained the knowledge of what an 'apple' could be. This also leads back to Dewey's idea's that the quality of education is linked to the level of engagement while being conscious that you are learning from the experience.

While being in the professional dance class you often hear teachers interoperate moves with sounds "whoosh", "BAM", "ahh". Those words are associated with a feeling that the choreographer wants you to capture in your movement. Everybody in the room will have a different interpretation of what the choreographer wants from these words and the choreographer themselves will not be able to describe to any one exactly what they want. Which brings me to a section in Reader 2 "Have you ever known something before you realise what it means to you". We know that if the choreographer shoots his right arm in the air with a "BAM" sound, he would like the movement to be sharp and dynamic. We only know this from interpreting earlier movements with the same sound and copying their actions.We couldn't actually describe what the words "BAM" means.

All of these Theorists have really opened my mind as to wether we need to interoperate all that we know into words. As we can use our vision, hearing and gut feelings to learn from other beings.  "Practitioners know more than they can say"(Schön 1983). Yet the importance of being able to describe ones ideas and feelings to others and be able to put them on paper seems crucial.
Practitioners can continue to learn, grow and develop in and through their practice. (Jarvis 1992) 
Critical reflection I believe is extremely useful ,as how can we use an experience and then truly learn something from it with out breaking it down and understanding every part of it.It requires communication sometimes beyond our reach and as the world is expanding with new tools and with more experience's that are open to us ,we need to be able to understand and take part in them while being fully engaged with our Professional Practice.


Christopher Johns Guided Reflection: A Narrative Approach to advancing 

Howard Gardner (1983) Frames of Mind the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Professional Practice. 

Kolb ,D.A (1984) Experimental Learning

Kottcamp, R.B (1990). Means for Facilitating Reflection. Education anad Urban 

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953) Philosophical Investigations.

P.Jarvis (1992) Reflective Practice and Nursing, in Nurse Education today Vol 12

Private Practice:Schön and the missing dimension, Ben Kotzee

Tufnell and Crickmay (2004) A widening Field: Journeys in Body andImagination. (Garder Multiple Intelligence quiz)

Monday, 25 November 2013

My Journal

Im a bit unsure as how to start doing my journal. I've kept one before while I was at Bodywork and found it really easy. Writing in the corrections for that day, about the teachers we had and their different styles and what projects were coming up. 

However, my life seems utterly boring at the minute, there seems like nothing to write down. I haven't been able to get to london for a few weeks for any auditions, one because there isn't many going on and two, I go to New York next week so I'm saving all my pennies for then! Im just working in retail. I know everybody's journals are private but if any of you out their could maybe tell me how you started yours or maybe somethings that you talk about if you are in the same predicament as me?

Please and Thank you.

Amelia x

Friday, 8 November 2013

Task 1b. Professional communication technologies.

On completing Reader 1 , I now realise how much I have used Web 2.0 with out really knowing it was or understanding its full capacity. Reader 1 was quite explanatory with what Web 2.0 is and how it can be described.

I looked into MOOC's (Massive Open Online Course) after and realised how vastly used world wide they are. Doing an online course, which we are all doing, there are so many benefits. There are no boundaries from which we have to conform to, unlimited access to everybody's blog and respective knowledge from varied backgrounds. Although some of us may find it hard to come up with our own individual content and not all of us can put in 100% all of the time due to the fact of professional careers but thats the beauty of an online course isn't it? Being able to have that professional career while earning a degree. 
We do not have to sit in the classroom and copy from the board. We can use Web 2.0 tools as part of our inquiries and learning techniques. Having these tools enable's us to critique our own and others work and communicate to thousands of practitioners. It's incredible. No more libraries or struggling to find information. It's all there at the click of a button.

When i looked at the Social Media Statistics : January 27, 2013 , I looked down the list and counted that I use ten of those social media sites quite regularly and have never thought how each one of those could be used for my career before the start of this course. How many other people in this world use these sites and do not know how much they could benefit them. I had a comment from Emma Price that suggested schools teaching children about Web 2.0 form a younger age so they could fully understand all of its benefits and they could use all of these Social Media sites to their full ability. I thought it was a very valid question/point.

I then tried to look at "Is Connectivity a Human Right?" from Facebook but couldn't read the link as my mac doesn't open PDF files, I must sort that out! There was a brief introduction of what would be talked about in the file and how Facebook wants to help connect more people over the world, together. However, I did find a very interesting video on how Facebook (and I figure other social media) sites can help raise awareness of all types of things. This video for example is for Dalit Human Rights:

It shows how Facebook is a cheap and rapid way of getting peoples attentsion on important matters and how companies can use such websites to promote their charities and other business prospects. Which reminds me of when the video of a cop in America shooting down a mans dog avoidably, went viral. I felt very strongly about this situation and I then proceed to post picture's and hash tags such as #Justiceformax  on my own instagram and twitter. I got comments from people across the world liking my pictures as I have the same breed of dog that got shot and commenting and asking me to sign petitions. This all happened within the space of less than a day. It's incredible what we can do with Web 2.0 

Amelia-Jay x

Monday, 4 November 2013

Task 1c.

I finally did my YouTube video. I really didn't think that it would be so hard but I actually really enjoyed myself in the end. It is over 45 seconds by a substantial amount, hopefully this wont matter too much.

I found it really easy to do , just like flickr and setting up this blog. Im thinking about maybe doing a few more video's and putting the link on here , as I really enjoyed this task, talking about the individual tasks we do and helpful advice and tips..Maybe?


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Flickr's Quicker! Task 1d

My Flickr account is now up and running! I found it really easy to use , the photo's uploaded almost instantly and the site seems reasonably easy to get around. I haven't had a chance to look at anybody else's Flickr's yet but I shall be.

I just uploaded a few action shots from me on stage through the last 3 years at Bodywork. I am a bit concerned that the college photographer has his copyright mark on them. However, he does lets you use them however you want. He uploads them on facebook for us all to tag ourselves in and as I said, do what ever with them! I feel that my Flickr account will be used for BAPP course purposes and professional only. I do have an Instagram account which is a bit more personal, feel free to add.

The address for my flickr is:

The address for my Instagram is: breakfastatmillies

In todays society audio-visual technologies can be seen every where, to update the people of the world with important news , peoples idea's and opinions and even things such as Vine, which has been created just for peoples enjoyment. The tools that we have today such as Youtube,Vine and Instagram are used on such a huge scale that a small slice of information can be passed through to receivers on the other side of the world, within minutes. 

These sites can be used just for pure personal usage but also for your career/business. For example, I have an acquaintance who started up his own clothing line from home. He has his own website and often posts and interacts with customers through Instagram. He now ships worldwide! You can find him through my Instagram, address is above.

Using Youtube, you can create show reels and video's of your chosen profession that are then open to a vast audience, getting you the publicity that you need to start off your career or interest inquiring agents. It is a lot quicker than going to audition for an agent or colleague. 

As much as videos and pictures on social website's are an amazing way to connect, you also have to be wary of what you can come across. Listening to the news last week , there has been controversy on the security policies of Facebook.The issue has been of a video being seen by millions of Facebook users , of a woman being beheaded. Here is what Facebook has said the the BBC

'Facebook has long been a place where people turn to share their experiences, particularly when they're connected to controversial events on the ground, such as human rights abuses, acts of terrorism and other violent events.
People are sharing this video on Facebook to condemn it. If the video were being celebrated, or the actions in it encouraged, our approach would be different.
However, since some people object to graphic video of this nature, we are working to give people additional control over the content they see. This may include warning them in advance that the image they are about to see contains graphic content.'

In some respects I agree with what Facebook has said. The video is being shown to parts of the world and people who had no idea this kind of thing was going on.It opens peoples eye's to the dark, twisted things that do in fact go on in this world. And as it should people are disgusted and discourage it. However, I have a sister who is 14 and she has Facebook, I'm pretty sure if she saw that video, she would of had nightmares.

I would say as there is good and bad in everything, I believe the same about using audio-visual technologies and Images in Social Media. I am positive that all of us here are using it for the good of our career's and the prospects that it could bring. 


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Task 1a, done a little differently.

Oops, silly me. I didnt quite understand fully what I was supposed to do for Task 1a but thank you Alan for showing me the way! So this time I'm going to combine the two CV's I uploaded in my first post into a few paragraphs ,that explain more in detail a bit about me. Hope you guys like it and again comments very much apprechiated!

My name is Amelia Jay Clarke and I have just graduated from Bodywork Perfoming Arts in Cambridge. I spent three years there,training in various art forms and worked with some amazing choreographers and performers. I did my end of year showcase at a RADA in London which lead to me getting my first agent and graduating with a level 6 diploma.I live in Peterborough, this is where i went to school and recieved 10 A*- C GCSE's and first started dancing.Late starter , I know!

I work for French Connection when I am not in London trying to get my face seen. I enjoy working with all the people there and the discount on clothes isn't to bad either! I also enjoying volenteering at the dogs shelter near me. I have two dogs from there myself so it's nice to give something back and feel possitive as I have a very positive outlook on most things.

 Doing the BAPP course I hope to achieve a degree that could lead to teaching in the futre. Being able to gain new skills,friends,tools, writing and evaluation skills and really digging deep into my mind about all the various forms in my art is extremely exciting and could help achieve this goal.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Task 1a.

Task 1a.

I've read through many versions of "Task 1a" today and I am still unsure as to wether I will be doing the right thing by just uploading my current CV , the way it is. However, hopefully I will get comments and helpful tips from you all as how to improve and I look forward to redrafting to expand on this task.

I have two CV's , one professional that I take with me to auditions and another for non perfomance jobs, that help pay those dreded bills!


Contact E-mail - Amelia.Jay
Mobile- ******
Height: 5'6     Eyes:Blue          Hair:Dark Auburn 
Training : Bodywork,Cambridge Perfoming Arts, National Diploma in Professional Dance(Trinity College London)

                Peterborough Regional College, Level 3 Nationail Diploma in Dance

Theatre Credits Whilst Training

Production                                   Role                  Theatre                              Director/Choreographer
Get This Party Started                  Dancer                Key Theatre                          Melanie Carmassi
Level 3 Showcase                       Dancer/Singer       Key Theatre                          Melanie Carmassi
Footloose                                    Ensemble             Key Theatre                          Mike Cross
Rhythm Electric                           Dancer                Corn Exchange                     Theresa Kerr/
                                                                                                                           Douglass Yolland/
                                                                                                                          Nikki Trow
Peterborough Musical Festival     Dancer/               Main Stage                           Amelia Jay Clarke
Moulin Rouge                             Dancer                 Mumford Theatre                 Richard Reynard
Requested                                  Dancer                 Mumford Theatre                 Jodie Blemmings
Wired                                         Dancer                Mumford Theatre                 Jodie Blemmings
Money Maker                            Dancer                Mumford                              Rowan Hawkins
Youth Revolting                         Dancer                   Gordan Craig                       Christina Andrea
Sweet Disposition                      Dancer                      RADA                           Mandy Montanez

Theatre/Dance Credits     
Straussman Flash Mob              Dancer                 Excel Centre                       Stuart Bishop(Rudeye)

TV/Films Credits
Channel 4 Documentary            Dancer                 The Junction                        Channel $

Special Skills

Dance: Tap, Jazz, Classical Ballet, Contemporary, Commerical, Pas de Deux, Basic Pointe
Accents: RP, Standard American, Australian
Skills:Singing, Acting
Other: Full Clean Driving Licence

So that is my Professional CV at the moment. I have only just graduated from Bodywork, so I'm hoping over the next few months my CV will look a little fuller . I'm thinking of putting up my other CV because i feel it is less structured and has more of a personal touch. It also shows a little bit more about my peronality than my profesional one. I think my Proffesional one is so structured because the people sat behind that daunting table while you audition , just want the details quick, they have 500 other people to see! So setting it out so simply makes it easy to find the details people may be looking for.

Amelia Jay Clarke

I'm a dedicated and hard working person with a good experience of working in leading brands with in retail  and with great customer service skills.I work very well as part of a team but also on my own and thrive in a challenging , friendly work environment. I posses excellent communication ,customer service and organisation skills. This summer I have just graduated Bodywork Performing Arts School in Cambridge and being a performer is my dream. I currently work at French Connection ,which I fully enjoy and the uniform is just one of the highlights from working for a high fashion brand.

 2008                                                   Laura Ashley

Working here was my first experience working for retail.I worked here for two weeks on work experience with Stanground Acadamy at the age of fifteen.Successfully developing my initial customer service and retail skills. I got along very well with all the staff and they allowed me to put items throug the till, which is normally not protocall for work experience. I maintained a high quality of cleaning standards and was offered a job at the end of my placement but sadly could not accept as I was only fifteen at the time.

2009-2010                                               Sinclairs of Stamford

My Grandmother worked for this company for many years and suggested I apply for a saturday job here. Working for this company required me to have a vast knowledge of the products ,as there were three floors on which we had stock, each item with it's own code. As a saturday girl I cleaned and polished all the china and pottery, adviced customers with gifts and fetched the correct boxes they came in. I was trusted with my own set of keys to the cabinets where all they expensive crystal and Royal Crown Derby were kept. I still keep in contact with the owner after all these years and I work at a stall at Burghley Horse Trials every septemeber. 

2010-2011                                                          LUSH

I applied here as a cristmas temp and had to go through vigarous interview stages. I was successful and proceeded to work until my contract terminated.I was really encouraged to push sales here and learnt how important it was to understand the product you are selling. If you don't have knowledge and a love of the product, why would people be obligied to buy from you? The team there were extremely friendly and I got along with them very easily, often participating in activities outside of work. Cleaning was a big part of my job as the floors and sides would get quite messy, demonstraiting all the bath bombs etc.

2011-2013                                                French Connection

This high end fashion store is very customer service orrientated and meeting targets is a must! Advising customers on clothes and accessories that go with their outfit, is my favorite thing to do. I have a vast product knowledge and sense of style and I enjoy participating in team games and training sessions. This job requires me to work on a one to one basis . However, I am not afraid to ask help from other team member , while happy to return the favour.


10 A* - C GCSE                      English Literature, English Language, Science, Maths, French, IT, R.E,
                                                 Business Studies, Dance

BTEC National Diploma        Triple Distinction in Dance

NVQ Level 6                          National Diploma in the training of professional dance 

That is my general work CV, I can now tell from typing it out myself through my blog, it is definatly leaning towards only retail work.I have worked in a night club as a waitress but I did not enjoy it so dont feel the need to add it into my CV, as I will not be persuing night club work in the future. Comments and advice is very much appreciated.
So the first word that comes to my mind is, panic! I've had such an ordeal trying to enroll and having no internet for a while certainly hasn't helped , that I feel and can see from other's blogs that I am behind. Attending the induction day I feel would have been extremely helpful to me as I definatly learn alot better through having someone to stand there and explain rather then reading for myself. However, I couldn't attend because i had to swap shifts at work to attend an audition earlier in the week.

Reading through one or two blogs has given me the confidence to just jump in and start. Im not really sure if what I am doing is correct or even on the right track but there's only one way to find out hey!