Friday, 8 November 2013

Task 1b. Professional communication technologies.

On completing Reader 1 , I now realise how much I have used Web 2.0 with out really knowing it was or understanding its full capacity. Reader 1 was quite explanatory with what Web 2.0 is and how it can be described.

I looked into MOOC's (Massive Open Online Course) after and realised how vastly used world wide they are. Doing an online course, which we are all doing, there are so many benefits. There are no boundaries from which we have to conform to, unlimited access to everybody's blog and respective knowledge from varied backgrounds. Although some of us may find it hard to come up with our own individual content and not all of us can put in 100% all of the time due to the fact of professional careers but thats the beauty of an online course isn't it? Being able to have that professional career while earning a degree. 
We do not have to sit in the classroom and copy from the board. We can use Web 2.0 tools as part of our inquiries and learning techniques. Having these tools enable's us to critique our own and others work and communicate to thousands of practitioners. It's incredible. No more libraries or struggling to find information. It's all there at the click of a button.

When i looked at the Social Media Statistics : January 27, 2013 , I looked down the list and counted that I use ten of those social media sites quite regularly and have never thought how each one of those could be used for my career before the start of this course. How many other people in this world use these sites and do not know how much they could benefit them. I had a comment from Emma Price that suggested schools teaching children about Web 2.0 form a younger age so they could fully understand all of its benefits and they could use all of these Social Media sites to their full ability. I thought it was a very valid question/point.

I then tried to look at "Is Connectivity a Human Right?" from Facebook but couldn't read the link as my mac doesn't open PDF files, I must sort that out! There was a brief introduction of what would be talked about in the file and how Facebook wants to help connect more people over the world, together. However, I did find a very interesting video on how Facebook (and I figure other social media) sites can help raise awareness of all types of things. This video for example is for Dalit Human Rights:

It shows how Facebook is a cheap and rapid way of getting peoples attentsion on important matters and how companies can use such websites to promote their charities and other business prospects. Which reminds me of when the video of a cop in America shooting down a mans dog avoidably, went viral. I felt very strongly about this situation and I then proceed to post picture's and hash tags such as #Justiceformax  on my own instagram and twitter. I got comments from people across the world liking my pictures as I have the same breed of dog that got shot and commenting and asking me to sign petitions. This all happened within the space of less than a day. It's incredible what we can do with Web 2.0 

Amelia-Jay x

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