Being part of a professional network is something ,before reading Reader 3,I didn't know I was a part of. Also, I didn't know really how many professional networks I was a part of. When you follow a company or dancer on a social network, you then become a part of that network.
Cooperation in Professional Network.
What came to my mind when I read this section, after I read up upon 'Prisoner's Dilemma' was how ,when we had cardio lessons with Kevin Adam's at Bodywork, that if one individual gave up then we would all suffer and do another set of sit ups, squats etc. In the same way that if the prisoners decided to rat each other out or just prisoner A gave up prisoner B , Prisoner B would suffer while Prisoner A gets away with it. Just how say , Jane gives up on squats because it hurt , everybody else carries on but she gets a break, then Kevin catchers her then we all suffer another set because of Jane. It is always in our best interest's to cooperate with one another to get the end best result. Working within a professional practice, it is necessary as we are always working with someone else; wether you are dancing in a group having to cooperate with other dancers or doing a solo, then cooperating with the lighting and stage managers. It is easier in life in every one cooperate's , I personally believe that I get along with most people as I don't like to cause drama but I can think of some people who would benefit from learning how to cooperate as seeing them have conflicts from disagreeing with a higher dancer has cause them to be cut from choreography and they will not be working with them in the future.
Affiliation in professional Network.
Affiliation is a social process that provides us with a 'network of support that will help us when we are in need' ( Reader 3, Crisp & Turner 2007) . O'conner & Rosenblood's theory of Homeostasis made more sense when I looked up what Homeostasis was. One example from the internet is that of when the human body regulates it's temperature on the inside because of the conditions on the outside, it balances. Thus referring to the need to affiliate with others differs with in each one of us yet affiliation and interaction to each persons desired level is the main goal for everyone.It is nice to realise this for myself as I do tend to become introvert when I first meet somebody but if everybody deep down really does just want to interact then there is nothing to be cautious about, as long as they are decent people.
I do think culture plays quite a big role in how we affiliate as people. I find that the British culture is very reserved and keep themselves to themselves, contrary to people brought up in the Caribbean , where you whole neighbour hood is your friend and I have found them to be very social and open people who love to be in peoples company 24/7.
Referring to the question in the reader 'Is professional Networking an extension of our innate capacity and need to affiliate to develop our careers?' I believe the answer is yes. Now that the internet along with its social networks have been created, people of the word have become lazy and would rather interact with their friends online. This is still because of every human beings need for interaction. But for those of us who are using it to develop certain professional skills, I think that Dancer's in-particular are extremely social beings, it is to do with our need to affiliate and our ease with human contact.
Connecting with each other. We understand things more through other people talking to us and interacting about the subject with us. Through our interactions, we make meanings and morals that we give to our networks. Through interacting with our friends and family from young ages, there is where we made our very first morals and got our values from.I am using my networks for my career and social life yet I see some people using them for purely vein purposes, for their ego's and self esteem. Examples such as girls and guys posting nude picture online for the attention of men or women on their networks that is just their social and personal network , they're not glamour models , so its not for their job other wise that is the using it for their career.
I tend to be very stubborn about my opinions but being able to read other peoples blogs and having the chance to see how everyone has they're own view on each task's is really mind opening for me. From doing this task I now understand that we all like to interact with each other, sometimes I doubt myself as to wether I should comment on someones work, will they think I'm being horrible, but it is just a chance for two new people to interact about a subject they have in common. And after all, that is a big part of this course also.
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