Wednesday, 26 March 2014


So, I finally managed to get a peice of everybody's free time and recorded some friends & family to answer my inquiry questions. It was interesting to see how different their answers were to the same questions. The first person interviewed is Shereen, she is as professional dancer. The second is Phil , a retail worker who has worked in retail for 18 years and then there is Natasha who has beenin both the perfomance industry and the 9-5 "Real World" idustry.
  My questions are in a previous blog but I felt they needed re-writting slighty as I had to explain each question to the person in question.I did not asked Phil question 3 as I felt he would not be able to answer it .Also I added an extra question to Natasha as I found her answers interseting as she has been in both situations.   

Inquiry questions.

1. How do you as a professional cope with rejection from an audition/job?

2. In your specific job training ,were you taught that there is only one way to deal with/learn a new task/technique. And do you think that is correct or do you believe there are different learning tools suited to each individual to cope with new tasks?

3. Do you as a performer suffer from a lack of confidence due to the idustry and does this affect us negatively?

4. When going for an audition/job , do casting directors/agents/management base their choices purely on the CV and training that idividual has had or do you think they take in to account how you act on the day i:e your personality ,look, nerves ?

5.(Natash's  extra question) Have you noticed that there is a pressure to be a certain look or persona in the performance idustry and is it present in a more formal work sector? 

The Link to my answer video is below !!!!

1 comment:

  1. And i just want to add ..
    I DID ask everyones permission to publish their answers on youtube and my blog and I DIDNT "cherry pic" or cut any thing out
